Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pongalo pongal :)

Calendar 2012....till now its filled with fun, but Im angry on it for keeping all the so-called holidays on weekends!..grrrrr!
Yet with a wider smile, I applied for leave at my office to land up at our native....The chit chat with our family in the Train journey
The happy happy pongal Rangoli here...with the sun god's glaze upon it!

Mother India-Thru the lens!

Bringing a country and its culture to the outer world had been an aspect of Cinema.
To stress upon this fact, we had put our Rangoli that represented Mother India (the adoption/view of M F Hussain's painting of Mother India as a developed nation)
Slight add-ons to the painting to drive up to our theme of Imela!

The color merge was a fun to do, quick quick mix up with the 'Tea' filter.. there you end up in the crazy coloring...Amazed about the filter tool..Previously I thought it was bound to the Kitchens only!!