It is similar to the reverse glass technique ,and not only comprises the live model making of butterflies ,dragon flies etc...
OHP sheets (or very thick transparent covers) , marker pen , acrylic colors , green straw ,thin wires .
* draw the design of an insect (dragon fly seen in picture or butterflies ,etc.. ) in the transparent sheet with a black marker pen (draw in the reverse side of the sheet)
*similarly draw a flower in the sheet
*paint the flower with bright acrylic colors , and also color the insect
*let them dry for few minutes
*now cut the designs from the sheet
*bend or groove the flower and insect so that it bears a real look (bend the wings of fly slightly)
*make two small holes near the head of the insect
*insert the wire through the first hole , take it above ,insert it again in the next ,bend the end of the wire ,so that it does not come out of the holes .
*bisect the tip of the straw upto 2 cm ,separate them outwards like leaves ,similarly cut slightly in the straw in some other places
*now insert the long end of the wire into the green straw
*attach the flower to the tip of the straw
*bring out the wire to the bottom of the straw
*now our live model is ready...................
*when you drag the wire up and down , the dragon fly will tap its wings and it will look as if it drinks the nectar from the flower.....................
liked this one very much